Play referrals and getting started with new gaming groups – how booking through an Independent Casino Host ensures you’re getting the most value out of your casino play

Learn more about the benefits of booking with an Independent Casino Host

I often hear from customers who have play history and status with one gaming group and want to get established with a different gaming group where they have little to no play history.  

The problem they face when they book their casino trips directly through the gaming group where they have play history, the new gaming group they’re interested in getting established with has no ability to look play history that didn’t happen within their group.

The ability to refer your play history from one gaming group to another is a massive benefit of choosing to book through an Independent Casino Host.

Whenever you book your casino trips through an Independent Casino Host, your play history is sent to the Independent Casino Host after your trip is completed.

If you’re ever looking to get established with a new gaming group, your Independent Casino Host can send your play history to the new gaming groups where you don’t have play history, and can negotiate comp’d rates, or rates that reflect your play history.

If you’re looking to get established with one, or many different new gaming groups, I would strongly recommend that you book all of your casino trips through an Independent Casino Host. Your Independent Casino Host can help ensure that you’re receiving the maximum benefit of your play – especially when you’re looking to book at casino groups where you have little to no play history.  

Let’s consider the following:

Scenario 1 - Customers who do not book with an Independent Casino Host

- Customer has established gaming and rewards history with a Gaming Group A. They receive comp’d rooms, charter offers, and more. They do all of their bookings directly through the Gaming Group A, and do not work with an Independent Casino Host

- Customer is interested in getting established with Gaming Group B, where they have little to no play history.

- Customer tries to book a charter, or room reservation with Gaming Group B on their own, they will be viewed as a New Player, and likely charged a full retail rate. 

Scenario 2 - Customers who book through an Independent Casino Host

- Customer has established gaming and rewards history with a Gaming Group A. They receive comp’d rooms, charter offers, and more. They make their bookings to Gaming Group A casinos through their Independent Casino Host.

- After each trip the customer books to casinos in Gaming Group A, their Independent Casino Host receives a play history report that shows how much the customer played on their trip.

- Customer is interested in getting established with Gaming Group B, where they have little to no play history.

- Customer tries to book a charter, or reservation to Gaming Group B through their Independent Casino Host. Their Independent Casino Host provides the customer’s play history from trips they’ve booked with them in the past to Gaming Group B. The Independent Casino Host and can negotiate a comp’d trip, or rate that reflects their previous play history.

As you can see, booking your casino trips through an Independent Casino Host helps you maximize the value of your play, and potential comps.

If you think you may be interested in getting established with a new gaming group, booking all of your casino trips through your Independent Casino Host ensures that you’ll get the best rate possible when you begin getting established with a new gaming group.

One more friendly reminder – Casino Gold Tours is an Independent Casino Host. Booking your trips through our team will make you eligible for play referrals as demonstrated above.

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